West Australian Technical Support in Schools Association


If you are looking for information and slides from our Conferences and Events you will need to login to the members section to access them.

Increased number of non-management committee members participating in the organisation of events and projects.
Increased number of members applying for management committee positions.
Develop key leadership and management units within the aspirant Network Administrator course.


Measurement Tools
Project Management Planning


Culture of high performing leaders in excellence.
Increased member input in Association operations.

Leadership Learning

Our Aim
Through leadership learning, our aim is to identify and develop leaders that can lead the Association and schools to excellence.


Embed Leadership Learning into our Executive and Management Teams.
Provide opportunities for members to develop a pathway to a leadership position within the Association.
Develop leadership based Professional Learning opportunities for our members.
Identify appropriate reflective frameworks to support leadership development at all levels.
Provide opportunities for members to engage with committee and sub-committee tasks and

Technical Guides

To help assist schools WATSSA will provide a number of Technical “How to Guides” and other Resources for download.

We would like to offer a big thank you to everyone out there who has supported the creation of WATSSA. Your support has made a huge difference and has really helped to propel us forward.

Get in Touch

Should you have any questions we encourage you to get in touch.